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Characteristics of Frequent Urination at Night

There are certain people which suffer from a condition depicted in the title of this passage. Namely, frequent urination at night or nocturia may strike one for many different reasons, some being more serious than other. Thereby, simply drinking too much beverages during the evening may cause you to wake up often during the night in order to urinate. However, there are illnesses which can cause this condition as well. Nevertheless, you will be waking up frequently, going to the toilet or wanting to urinate. After this you might or might not urinate. Regardless, the feeling of necessity will overwhelm you. Still, in order for this condition to affect one, he/she needs to urinate at least once during the night, although nocturia makes a person do this several times, seriously affecting sleep as well.

The elderly are usually considered a risk group for developing this phenomenon, even though younger individuals, regardless of their sex, can suffer from nocturia too.

Causes of Frequent Urination at Night

Taking diuretic medications commonly causes this problem. These drugs are supposed to reduce fluid levels in the body by expelling them from it. Therefore, if you are on diuretics, you are likely to go to the bathroom during the night.

Another reason behind nocturia can be fluid redistribution. Sometimes when we are lying down or staying in the same position for a longer period of time, our blood stream reabsorbs fluids, distributing them over our body. This too can lead to a need for urination which can strike us during the night.

Sometimes, a person's bladder capacity may decrease, making it capable of storing less fluid and being full more often, triggering your urge to urinate.

Other than these diabetes is known to cause frequent urination of this type, along with insomnia, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and the restless leg syndrome. Additionally, caffeine and alcohol consumption add on to the list of possible causes, especially if consumed in the evening.

All in all, once you start suffering from this condition, you should find the reason behind it and introduce the necessary changes in order to restore your urination patterns to normal. This will require medical assistance so let this be your first step. Once examined, your doctor will prescribe you with the best possible treatment which will help you overcome this urination problem and sleep a lot better, not being troubled by it anymore.

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