There are so many people suffering from seasonal allergies.The allergic reactions are mostly caused by floating pollen and cut grass.There are many home remedies for seasonal allergies that can cut the costs of treatment. The plants are at the height of their pollination process duringspring and fall.
Spring allergies in the spring are mostly caused by thepollination of the trees such as birch, hickory, maple, oak, cypress and olive.Summer allergies are usually triggered by the pollinating grass and arecharacterized by hives and itches. Allergic reactions during fall are mostlydue to the pollination of weeds and certain types of trees.
Seasonal allergies are in no way dangerous but they are veryannoying and uncomfortable. Watery discharge from the noose, sneezing,headache, itchy throat, swollen sinuses and watery, itch eyes are all prettymuch common symptoms of seasonal allergies. All the symptoms last as long asthe person is exposed to a specific harmful allergen.
There are various home remedies that can be helpful intreating seasonal allergies. Keeping the windows closed during the pollinationseason lessens the contact with the harmful allergen that the trigger thesymptoms of one’s allergic reaction. Pollination is at its peak in the earlymorning, so one should avoid any outdoor activities during this period.
VitaminC is very beneficial for people who suffer from seasonal allergies because itboosts the immune system and lowers the levels of histamine in the body. Oliveleaves can be steamed with essential oils to provide an efficient nasal spraywith very powerful antimicrobial properties. Dust is very harmful and it cancause and trigger many different allergies, so it is important that one duststhe home frequently to avoid the allergic reactions triggered by dust mites.
Saltwater is an inexpensive way of dealing with allergies.One can make a nasal spray from it in order to wash the pollen away from thenose and reduces the amount of medications taken for allergies. Fruits andvegetables should be ingested as much as possible since they are very efficientin reducing inflammations and boosting the immune system.
Food that is abundantin omega-3 fatty acids is also very helpful in reducing the occurrence ofallergy attacks. A hot shower can come in very handy after being outside becauseit clears the nasal passages and removes the allergens from the body. Aconcoction made from honey and lime is also efficient in flushing the toxinsout of the body. Smoking and tobacco of any type are also known for triggeringand aggravating all types of respiratory allergies.
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