You have probably heard the fact that women should get pregnant and give birth while they are still in their 20s. Namely, numerous researches have proven that this is the best part for a female life for this, especially the period when a woman is 24 years old.
Why Give Birth in the 20s
All women, when they get born, get all the eggs they will ever have. This number is around a million during birth. Gradually, however, they lose these eggs and, by the time they are in puberty, the number is about 300,000. Nevertheless, during the female reproductive period, one's body releases about 300 eggs. Fertility reaches its peak at about 24, having the lowest chance of the baby suffering from any kind of diseases like the Down syndrome or some other birth defects. Also, while 18% of women are likely to have a miscarriage if they get pregnant between their 35th and 39th year of life, those in their 20s will have these chances decreased to 10%. However, women who are over their 40s have about 34% chances of miscarriage.
Caffeine and Fertility
Different studies show different results in this respect. Basically, some studies have shown that women who are consuming about 300mg of caffeine have about 27% less chances of conceiving than women who do not consume coffee at all.
On the other hand, some other researches have shown no connectivity between caffeine and pregnancy whatsoever. Still, do not go overboard with caffeine and limit your intake to below 300mg a day. Also, do not ignore certain studies which have shown that even amounts of about 200mg a day increase chances of miscarriage. So, you may want to go easy on the coffee, especially during your pregnancy.
How To Quit Drinking Coffee
Since you get addicted to caffeine, you need to leave it gradually in order to avoid the possible withdrawal symptoms. Switch to less caffeinated beverages or brew your coffee for a shorter time. As for those who enjoy green or black tea, you may want to take the teabag out after a minute instead of waiting for too long, allowing excessive caffeine to enter your cup.
Finally, know that chocolate, energy drinks and even ice-cream, all contain caffeine.
Remember, 8oz of generic, brewed coffee may contain up to 200mg of caffeine, while Starbucks brewed, in two times the above mentioned amount has 330mg of this substance. A tall Starbucks cappuccino will provide you with about 75mg while a generic, decaffeinated coffee will have these values decreased to 3 to 26mg.
As for tea and soft drinks, 8oz of brewed black tea contain about 40-120mg of caffeine while decaffeinated black tea has these values as low as 2mg. Cola, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Redbull and the like, all have caffeine inside and so do chocolate bars, frozen yogurts, hot cocoa and coffee ice-creams.
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