Fever blisters are among the most common medical problems known to man, as they tend to frequently affect a large number of people everywhere around the world. They are actually small sores which are known for developing inside the mouth and nostril, on the cheeks, chin and the lips and also around the mouth. In most cases they are associated with slight painful sensations. It is a well known fact that the naturally occurring stimulant called caffeine may be of help to a certain extent when it comes to relieving the discomfort which is so frequently associated with fever blisters. Caffeine can be found in numerous different types of plants and it is usually tasteless. It is only bitter in its pure form. There are certain scientific studies which have shown that caffeine may indeed be very efficient in speeding up the healing process and decreasing the intensity of the painful sensations associated with fever blisters. It is also supposedly very effective in prohibiting the outbreak of cold sores in those who are exposed to the herpes simplex virus type 1. For those who do not know, fever blisters are triggered by a certain type of viral infection that remains inside the body even after all the symptoms disappear. There are also cases when fever blisters get mistaken for certain types of allergic reactions triggered by the consumption of caffeine.
Caffeine can be found in many different types of food items but the processing and the roasting and certain other factors determine the amount of it. Among the best sources of caffeine is coffee. Other common sources of caffeine include cocoa, cola and certain types of tea. The black tea is considered as the variety which contains the largest amounts of caffeine. Another excellent source of caffeine are various different types of energy drinks. Caffeine is actually one of the most potent natural stimulants and it is commonly used for the improved mental alertness and also as a pain reliever. There are also synthetically made variants of caffeine which are commonly used in the production of sodas, energy drinks and various sorts of sport beverages. One should always be careful because excessive amounts of caffeine may be associated with unwanted symptoms such as allergic reactions, and in some cases caffeine overdoses may even be fatal. The most common side effects of caffeine may or may not include symptoms such as insomnia, tremors, depression, anxiety, restlessness, vomiting, nausea, frequent urination and increased heart rate.
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