Introduction to fever and headache
Having a fever and a headache is such a common condition that the list of things that can cause it are is almost endless.
People do not pay much attention to either, because they both ten to go away quickly, however, people who constantly have fevers and headaches need to be worried.
A fever usually indicates that the body temperature has increased in order to fight an infection.
It is easily detected because most people can tell when their body temperature is higher than usual.
Headaches usually accompany the fevers and go side by side. Causes
Literally, there are the thousands of possible causes for having a fever and headache, so there is no point in trying to list them all.
Some of the most common causes include the common cold or flu, constipation, urinary tract infections anemia, stress, tonsillitis, sinusitis, meningitis, drug reactions, measles, ear infections tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, kidney infections, weak eyes, liver disorders, hair dying and even excessive sexual intercourse.
Of course, in the case of most of these diseases and conditions that have been mentioned, a fever and headache are usually a couple of many other symptoms that can occur. Other symptoms that often accompany a fever and headache include dizziness, vomiting, nausea, rashes, fatigue, abdominal pain and a runny nose and congestion.
When a person has a headache constantly, they will feel irritated and stubborn. Mild fever and headaches will go away on their own, but sometime there are ones that are acute and very painful. People have sited that eating a lot of oily foods and processed foods can lead to many digestive orders like constipation and indigestion.
The many toxic substances that are found in these foods are the main cause, and the fact that along with these toxins, these foods do not offer any nutrients whatsoever.
When a person has occasional mild fevers and headaches with no other symptoms involved, there is really nothing to worry about.
This can be taken care of with many over-the-counter remedies available at the pharmacy and home remedies as well.
However, if a person has frequent severe headaches, they need to see a doctor.
There are some tips, however, that if followed, should decrease the chances of people developing chronic fevers and headaches.
People need to eat more healthy foods in order to strengthen their immune systems. They can also try aroma therapy to relieve stress, because stress can lead to headaches very easily. Acupressure and acupuncture are also excellent remedies for relieving stress.
Yoga and meditation are other helpful techniques and practices to avoid stress.
It is also important to get a good night’s sleep every night and to be rested. It is also a good idea to avoid drinking cold liquids and to drink a lot of warm liquids, such as soups and teas.
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