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Before learning different way to reduce fever fast, it would be useful to understand what fever actually is. Fever is not a disease or a condition, and instead it is a sign or a symptom associated with hundreds, if not thousands of actual diseases.

Body temperature

Fever means that the body temperature is increased above the normal range, which is somewhere between 36.5 and 37.5 degrees Celsius or 98 and100 degrees Fahrenheit. Fever is a part of the body’s natural response to illness, it is triggered when there is a process in the body that originates from a harmful agent, such as an infection.

Feeling of cold

Aside from increased body temperature, measured with a thermometer, fever is also characterized by the feeling of cold as the temperature increases, and the feeling of warmth when the new temperature is reached. A person who has a fever will most likely experience shivering and muscle ache or weakness.

Not every fever needs reducing. Many doctors believe that fever is a highly useful mechanism in fighting illnesses. However, very high fevers should be reduced, which today can be done quite easily.

How to reduce fever fast

There are many over-the-counter drugs that can be taken to reduce fever, especially if it is high. Aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen are equally effective, but Aspirin is only suitable for persons older than 18. Drugs used to reduce fever are called antipyretics and they should always be taken as recommended by the doctor and according to the instructions on the label.

Increased intake of fluids is another way to reduce fever. Since a person who has a fever most likely sweats more than usually, the fluids are important as they prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Plain water, fresh melon or cucumbers, which are rich in fluids, are very helpful for reducing fever.

Sponge baths and gauze pads

Sponge baths with lukewarm water or application of wet gauze pads on the forehead will provide significant relief, especially in children who have fever.

Wet gauze pads or washcloths can be combined with several ingredients believed to reduce the fever. Egg white, diluted vinegar, onion slices, garlic and potatoes are traditional home remedies for fever. If using garlic for pads, it is important to protect the skin from irritation by applying a thin layer of olive oil to the skin.

A person who has fever should wear light, breathable clothes and stay in a well-ventilated but not cold room. Because the heat first escapes through head and feet, they should be left uncovered.

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