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Even though this may not sound impossible, even people suffering from different lung diseases may benefit from an exercise program. Such program is specially designed and allows strengthening of certain groups of muscles which allow patients to use oxygen better and save energy. These exercises may efficiently reduce shortness of breath which commonly occurs when sick people try to perform sometimes even the simplest tasks.

It is not unusual for these patients to avoid exercise because they fear shortness of breath. Some of them also think that exercise may aggravate the condition they are suffering from. However, staying physically inactive is an actual problem and the reason why symptoms of the disease tend to become even worse. Namely, when the body gets out of shape and muscles become weak, one's performance becomes significantly reduced which subsequently leads to shortness of breath after performing some simple tasks. Muscle weakness also affects the breathing process and does not allow the body to get well supplied with oxygen.

Because all of the mentioned it is evident that a suitable exercise program may make certain muscles stronger and help one deals with shortness of breath.During the Exercise

It is normal to experience some degree of shortness of breath while exercising. However, if one is severely deprived of oxygen, he/she should immediately stop exercising and seek medical attention.

It is essential to know that gas exchange in patients suffering from lung disease is damaged due to scarring. Because of that one must breathe harder while being active. Also, since some of air remains trapped inside the lungs one cannot breathe at faster rates. Remnant air leads to over-inflation and difficulty expelling air. Both of these problems can be improved a bit with a correct set of exercise.

How Much Exercise is Necessary?

The best results are achieved if one exercises on a daily basis. Some patients are simply incapable of doing so. They should try to stay active for at least 3-4 times per week with exercising sessions of approximately 30-45 minutes.

In the beginning one is supposed to start slowly, allowing muscles to warm up. After a while, the tempo may increase. If there is a need, one may have short breaks during exercise sessions.

Patients suffering from lung conditions benefit most from exercises that strengthen their heart and lungs. Their condition may also improve with the assistance of walking as well as riding a bike.

Finally, after each session allow the body to recuperate with plenty of rest.

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