Chronic bronchitis is the condition that can be treated andrelieved to some extent. Patients suffering from this disease can expect thatthe treatment will be able to reduce some of the symptoms and provide them withbetter quality of life. Early diagnosis of the chronic bronchitis is vital for thebest prognosis of this medical condition. Early cases are more easily treated,and the damage to the lungs may be stopped before it become permanent.
Medications for Chronic Bronchitis
The most important thing for chronic bronchitis patients isto breathe easier, which is made possible using the medications, such as bronchodilatorsand corticosteroids. Corticosteroids work by reducing the inflammation of theairways, which is constantly present in these patients. Bronchodilators, on theother hand, work to relax the muscles around the airways and consequently the airwaysitself. Both of these medications are usually inhaled, using the device knownas the inhaler.
Don’t Smoke
Quit smoking right away if you are diagnosed with chronicbronchitis (or just concerned for your health). Nicotine and many other lungirritants may provoke or worsen the current medical condition and should beavoided at all costs. When using strong chemicals always follow the manufacturer’sdirections for use, since the chemicals, chemical fumes, air pollutants or evendust can seriously affect your chronic bronchitis.
Prevent Other Diseases
Certain other medical conditions can affect chronic bronchitis,especially pneumonia, common cold and influenza. Some of these common illnessesare preventable by vaccines and people suffering from chronic bronchitis shouldthink about the vaccinations. Even though bacterial pneumonia can be treatedwith the course of antibiotic medications, it may cause complications of thechronic bronchitis, so serious that it requires hospital treatment.
Other Treatment Options
Chronic bronchitis can also be treated with the oxygentherapy, if it was caused by the lack of oxygen in the blood. Administration ofthe oxygen through the mask or nasal prong should provide sufficient amount ofoxygen to important body organs, such as the heart and the brain. Additionally,oxygen is able to relieve some of the symptoms of chronic bronchitis, likeshortness of breath. This treatment may be used during some activities, atnight time or at all times, depending on the needs of the patient.
Pulmonary rehabilitation, which is actually a supervisedexercise program, can also help the person suffering from chronic bronchitis to have better quality of life. This rehabilitation can also include some psychologicalcounseling, disease management program and nutritional advices for the peoplesuffering from chronic bronchitis.
Surgical transplantation of the lung(s) is considered onlyin most serious cases of chronic bronchitis.
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