IVF or in vitro fertilization is a preferred treatment forinfertility when all other methods of assisted reproduction have failed. Coupleswho are not able to conceive a child naturally often turn to the IVF method. Thisprocess includes: control of the ovulation with certain hormones, removal of eggsfrom the ovaries and in vitro fertilization of these eggs with the sperm. Afterthe fertilization, zygote (fertilized egg) is transferred back to the uterus,hoping to establish successful pregnancy.
The first test tube baby was born in 1978, and the doctor (RobertG. Edwards) who developed the IVF infertility treatment has received the Nobel Prizefor it. Since the 1981, the treatment is available in the US and there areover 45.000 children born with the help of IVF infertility treatment.
For the couples who can’t conceive naturally and want to have kids infertilityis enormously hard. Problems may appear concerning the women or men, or even both ofthem might have some difficulties making them unable to have children. If awoman’s fallopian tubes are blocked, most doctors suggest tubal surgery, butIVF treatment is also an option. Other fertility issues may also include inabilityto produce enough sperm to fertilize the eggs. Whatever the cause of yourinfertility is, you should always inform yourself and consult your doctors insearch for best solutions for your case. IVF process includes certain risks, and every woman (or every couple)thinking about the process should be aware and informed about them.
Multiple Births
Women who go for the IVF are very likely to conceive multiples afterthe treatment. Modern technology and reproductive endocrinologists have somemethods to prevent such events, because of the strain in has to the woman’sbody. Some doctors might suggest implanting only one fertilized egg, but thismay seriously affect the wanted outcome (viable pregnancy). Because of thatfact, multiple pregnancies are considered to be one of the risks of the IVFtreatment.
Ectopic Pregnancy
When a woman can’t get pregnant because of the problems with herfallopian tubes, there are high chances to develop ectopic pregnancy after theIVF. Other women treated for infertility also have increased, but slightlylower risks of developing this problem. Previous pregnancies, abdominalsurgeries or pelvic infection may also be the causes of ectopic pregnancy onthe IVF treatment.
Cancellation Risk
Some number of patients may have to cancel out the IVF procedure,because of the under or over stimulation of ovarian follicles. The risk goesaround 5 to 25%, and for women over 39 years of age it is around 25%.
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