Introduction to eczema of the foot
Eczema is a condition that causes an inflammation of the skin generally, and it can affect many different parts of the body.
The symptoms of the condition ten to vary from case to case and can include the appearance of dry, red and itchy skin patches. Sometimes small blisters will form on the skin as well.
Eczema occurs on the face many times, but it is also a common occurrence on the foot.
The reason for this is because there is a good chance that the feet will come in contact with certain allergens.
Eczema of the foot can happen to anyone, no matter what age they are, but, thankfully, it is not a contagious condition.
When a person has eczema on the foot, it can be a very awkward, irritation and uncomfortable situation, because of the constant itching, which can be mild or severe.
There are five general types of eczema that can affect the foot.
Atopic eczema
This form of eczema is believed to be hereditary. When a person has this condition, the skin will become red, inflamed and itchy.
When people have this type of eczema, the doctor usually gives them some kind of steroidal cream to use in order to decrease swelling and keep the itch down.
Discoid eczema
This type of eczema will usually not affect children, only adults.
When a person has this condition, they will usually have some kind of small and round lesions that are inflamed and itchy. At times, these lesions will ooze fluid as well and the same type of treatment is used to get rid of this condition as is used for atopic eczema.
Irritant contact dermatitis
This type of eczema usually occurs when the skin comes in contact with strong irritants such as harsh detergents, household cleaning products, harsh soaps and dangerous chemicals. The severity of the flare-up will depend on how much of the material had contact with the skin.
Allergic contact dermatitis
This type is usually caused by some kind of an allergic reaction and it all depends on what the particular person is allergic too. Materials such as wool and cotton can cause this, as can fabric softeners or even certain types of food that a person might be allergic too.
The symptoms of this condition are very similar to the one experienced by a person who has irritant contact dermatitis.
Varicose eczema
This type is seen in people that already have a problem with varicose veins, which means that it most commonly affects older people. When a person has this condition, the skin will look speckled and will have many small lesions all over the feet. The feet and legs will be swollen as well.
Steroids and emollients are usually used to treat this condition.
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