Dry skin and acne
One option that you might take with regard to treating or controlling acne is to employ the use of a facial cleanser or exfoliator. These products can be used instead of soap each morning. Soap can be harmful to the skin, particularly skin that is dry. Flaky, dry skin should be taken off the face through the use of a cleanser. However, try not to use a cleanser that contains too much salicylic acid, as this can lead to further drying of the skin. Mild exfoliators can also be used in order to get rid of dead skin.
Acne control
Properly moisturizing the face is also important in regard to acne control. If you are using acne medication, it is particularly important to ensure that the skin is properly moisturized. However, it should be remembered that the moisturizer you use should not contain oil. Rather, choose products that are gel or water based. Moisturizers should also be non comedogenic. Further to this, if you are regularly exposed to the sun, it is advisable to employ the use of a sunscreen. This will provide hydrating effects, as well as serving to protect the skin from potentially harmful UV rays. For those who wear make up, a light oil free foundation can be used in conjunction with other kinds of cosmetics. However, it is important to avoid over use.
When trying to overcome dry skin, it is necessary to keep the body as hydrated as possible. To do this, one should look to drink as much water as possible throughout the day. This will help in the breaking down of toxins. It is advised that one should drink a minimum of about eight to ten glasses of water per day.
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