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Driving While Drunk

There are certain individuals whoparticipate in traffic, driving their cars even though their judgmentis severely impaired, due to the influence of the alcoholic beveragethey had before. This can be very dangerous and drunk drivers may notonly lose their own lives in car crashes but also jeopardize lives ofmany pedestrians and fellow drivers on the road.

However, many people believe that theyare completely capable of driving while intoxicated and they sitbehind the wheel not being aware that they are dizzy, havecoordination problems, impaired vision and many other symptoms which mayeasily contribute to accidents which may have lethal consequences.

Thus, we need to take a good care of ourroads and all the participants in the traffic, disallowing drunkpeople to drive cars at all costs. This can be done through increasedcontrol, severe fines and legal punishments and other such methods.Whichever method we agree to use, it should be thoroughly applied,saving people's lives and making this a priority.

Once you get sober, it can be too late,especially after the damage had already been done. Therefore,prevention is the best possible cure.

Prevention or Punishment?

Many people agree that drink driversshould be severely punished and end up in jail, especially if theirdriving has caused death of other people or accidents of sorts. Thereare many who have caused such misfortunes but have claimed how theycannot be convicted since they have no recollections of the pastevent at all. However, this is hardly an excuse once the damage hasbeen done. Therefore, there should be no tolerance for the intolerantwho, after knowing that they are in for a night out drinking, bringtheir car key, and their car, with them.

Thinking that you are an exceptionallygood driver does not help as well. Remember, once you are under theinfluence, you are no longer yourself completely and you are bound tobe incapable of driving correctly and safely.

All in all, the drivers themselves needto be aware of all the dangers of driving drunk and never do such athing. It is too dangerous and noone should risk spending their lifein prison just because you were not capable of controlling yourself.It is too great a price to pay. So, stay smart, do not drink anddrive, choosing to live no matter what.

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