Forms of Cat Allergies
When it comes to cats, people can develop an allergic reaction due to several aspects. Firstly, there is the dander, being the dust coming off the animal’s body. Cats need to undergo this process in order to get rid of their dead skin, shedding these flakes around.
This dander, when it gets in contact with allergic people, triggers skin reactions upon touch, as well as other types of allergic reaction when inhaled, since then it enters one’s body and affects the immune system. Since the body of the allergic person considers this dander as something dangerous, numerous health problems can stem from the exposure.
Other ways of spreading allergens, when it comes to cats are saliva, blood and urine. Thus, even when a cat leaves the area, a person can still experience allergic reactions, due to these factors. Cats rub against furniture, scratch objects and lick various things, leaving their trails, which can be devastating allergy triggers for some people.
Symptoms of a Cat Allergy
Most commonly, once an allergic person gets in contact with the above elements, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, itching, eye problems and breathing difficulties are likely to strike. Sometimes, even fever can take place. However, in these cases, the situation is serious and the person suffering from allergic reaction should seek prompt medical assistance. Of course, not all of the symptoms mentioned above have to strike a person at once. Rather, some of these combined are the usual scenario.
Treatment for Cat Allergies
If you are coughing or suffering from a congested nose due to allergic reactions, you can take decongestants which can be purchased over-the-counter. Yet, if the symptoms you are having are more serious, you will need to receive antihistamines. These medications will treat all the breathing difficulties.
Nevertheless, you should consult your doctor before you opt for any of these solutions. He/she will give you adequate advice and recommend the best possible treatment for your cat allergy problems.
All in all, cats are truly wonderful creatures and many people love them. However, if you are allergic to cats you need to stay away from them, since their presence is causing your body harm.
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