People who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) find that theyare either running to the toilet with diarrhea or suffer chronicconstipation. Therefore, a diet is crucial in dealing with IBS. Thisarticle will look at how eating high fiber foods can help in relievingthe symptoms of IBS, especially constipation. However, common senseprevails in that you cannot give up all other foods but the aim is tostrike a balance by eating all the foods you would normally eat butonly in moderation. Life is too short to be miserable by denyingyourself the things you enjoy the most. After all, common senseprevails when choosing your daily diets and maintaining a sensiblebalance for good health.
Striking the Balance
Some people go overboard and become unnecessarily restrictive inwhat they eat and in some cases they give up on foods that they maylike in an attempt to avoid becoming constipated. By doing this,however, individuals can become overly fatigued due to the reduction incalories. Some medical journals state that it is a good idea to keep arecord of what types of food you eat, the amount, where you ate it, thedate and any symptoms associated with that food. This is a great wayfor you and your doctor to monitor what types of foods can trigger yourIBS symptoms. However, we all know our own bodies and how they workunder certain circumstances, therefore people will work out their ownnutrition prescription.
Additional Fiber Intake
It is known that an individual with IBS can feel great eating aplum, but if they were to eat two plums this may send them over theedge and they will feel unwell. It is a common fact that certain foodsare known to help, or not in some cases of constipation. We do knowthat fiber when broken down helps the stool to passmore easily inpeople with IBS. Not taking additional fiber in your diet will meanthat it will be hard to have a bowel movement at all. It is recommendedthat around 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day will help a lot. Let’s lookat where this fiber can be found. For example all types of vegetables,any fruit of your chose, cereals and whole grain breads, legumes andbeans are all rich in fiber. Do not forget to drink plenty of liquidsespecially water.
One Step at a Time
Don’t jump in with both feet on day one of your new diet as you mayshock your system. Just add a little each day for the first week untilyour body gets used to eat differently. It must be pointed out thatonly about 75 to 80% of people will have successful bowel movements dueto this additional intake of fiber. The remaining 20% may actually feelworse and if this occurs stop the fiber intake. In this case add prunesand again more liquids into the diet.
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