Diabetes is a medical condition which features with increased level of sugar in blood. In type 1 diabetes, which is an autoimmune disease, there is not enough insulin to help sugar enter the body cells. On the other hand, in type 2 diabetes there is enough insulin but special receptors on the cells simply do not react to insulin and sugar cannot be shifted into the cells. The level of sugar rises and it neither can be exploited nor stored.
The diagnosis of diabetes can be set by simple blood testing. This is also the way patients check the level of glucose during therapy. It is essential to set the diagnosis on time and to start therapy as soon as possible. Properly modified therapy will keep diabetes under control and help in prevention of numerous consequences of this disease.
Diabetes Onset Symptoms
Symptoms of this disease can be rather distinctive and they usually point to the disease. Sometimes it is even possible to make difference between two diabetes types by investigating the symptoms and signs of the disease.
Excessive thirst is one of the fist symptoms patients complain about. Thirst is accompanied by frequent urination. Patients even say that they get up at night to dink water.
Another early symptom of diabetes is blurred vision. The reason why the patient cannot see clearly is connected to insufficient amount of fluid in the lenses.
Sudden and unexplained weight loss is another introductory sign of diabetes. Loss of weight can be simply explained by inability of the body to use glucose to obtain energy and this is why other sources such as fat are utilized. Since cells cannot get appropriate amount of sugar the brain does not get sugar as well and it sends signals that the body is hungry. Patients' appetite rises and they tend to eat more.
Exhaustion is another onset symptom of diabetes.
In people who are suffering from diabetes, inappropriate response of immune system leads to frequent infections. These patients are also more susceptible to injuries and the process of healing lasts too long.
Some people who are suffering from type 2 diabetes may develop characteristic skin changes on the neck and in the armpits. These skin changes are patchy and darker that surrounding skin. This condition is called acanthosis nigrans and it does not have to affect all patients.
And finally, recurrent vaginal yeast infection in women as well as erectile dysfunction in men may point to the presence of diabetes.
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