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Thereare many reasons to joining a local salsa, or other types of danceclasses. It may prove more fun than expected and it is

a good way to get some extra exercise workout and

will get the heart pumping as well as get the person back into shape.

Howeverin order for this to be an effective way of getting back into shape,one is to take:

3 months of dancing lessons

3 times a week

andit is recommended that each session should last for at least an hour.Also it is absolutely necessary to make every move with precision, asopposed to a sloppy which will not result in the desired effect. Oneshould also always stretch and warm up until a good sweat beforestarting – regardless of whether it's







orany other available dance style out there. All of the previously mentioned have got a considerable amount of workout, intentionallyincorporated into the process because they are such a popular form ofexercise nowadays.

Dancing dates back as far as the ancient times when people danced in orderto entertain royalty. Even though it is presumed that dance is olderthan exercise, it is in fact, uncertain and unclear which of the twowas the first to come to be, or whether they were separate disciplinesto begin with.

Onething is certain, though, learning how to dance most definitely makesexercise several-folds more fun, dynamic and social. Another desiredside effect would be having the courage and self-confidence toactually step up on that dance floor, for instance in a nightclub,which may or may not have been a problem for the particular personpreviously.

Dancingis easier than one may think, and if one is shy, joining a class maynot be necessary. One may previously practice at home as well,using recorded tutorials and similar means, before actually deciding to do it in public.

Itis also noteworthy for the new dancer that after a week of sessions,one will still endure pain afterwards, but it will soon fade away asone gets better and the moves get slicker and more elegant. So it is notonly a good way of getting back into shape, but also a way of judgingone's current shape as well.

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