A disease whose symptoms are swelling and fever in the neck is called mumps. It is caused by a virus that is contagious and before creating the vaccine, in the USA 90%affected by mumps were children under 15 years. This virus is called RNA (ribonucleic acid), it only affects humans, and it can be transmitted veryeasily by coughing, sneezing, or by putting fingers in the mouth cavities and eyes it is found in the nose and saliva. In the case of mumps there can be complications such as inflammation of the testicles, brain, ovaries and breasts, though pancreatitis and permanent deafness can also appear as a consequence. Deafness can appear amongst the children as well while other complications are more common among the adults.
Orchitis is a name for inflammation of testicles caused by mumps. In the 20°% of cases, a swelling on the both sides of the testicles appears some 7-10 days after the beginning of the mumps infection. Along with the testicle swelling, shaking chills, high fever and testicular pain may also appear, and these symptoms usually last 3-7days. Another complication of mumps is inflammation of the brain or meningitis, and symptoms that can indicate it include stiff neck, headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity and drowsiness. These symptoms also occur 3- 7 days after the swelling of the gland, though they can also appear before any mumps symptoms. A problem that may occur due to the mumps is encephalitis or inflammation of brain. It is a rare complication but it can cause further complications caused by mumps, such as deafness, changes in the behavior, seizures, problems with vision and headaches. Very rarely mumps complications can be transverse myelitis, calle bellar ataxia and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
If a person has a pancreatitis as a result of mumps, they must be aware that it is a very serious complication that includes pain in the abdominal area, sensitiveness to the touch of the abdomen, rapid pulse, sickness and vomiting. Because of these symptoms, a body can dehydrate and reduce blood pressure, thus leading to failure of heart, lungs or kidney. It can be the case, although rarely that due to the mumps pancreatitis, diabetes and pancreatic insufficiency may appear later inlife. In pregnant women, mumps can also lead to a spontaneous abortion, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. It hasn’t been proved yet if mumps has any connection to the delivering a baby with birth defects.
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