In recent years doctors observe that the rates of mumps infections have rose. More and more patients develop complications such as Orchitis (inflamed testes), Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and Meningitis (infection of the coverings of the brain and spinal cord. Since we cover fertility and infertility related topics we shall discus Mumps Orchitis in this article.
Inflamed testes or Mumps Orchitis occur in about 20% of patients who are infected with mumps virus. At this point we must bring out that permanent infertility is very rare, but it is still possible. Most often complications connected to Mumps Orchitis include damage to the sperm producing cells of the testis. Lower sperm count is usually present for a shorter period of time; in mild cases of Mumps Orchitis approximately six months to one year. Vaccination against mumps is possible (two doses are given three years apart), but it appears that the rise in mumps infections is back in the age group born between 1978 and 1982, most likely because they missed getting their second dose of the MMR vaccine as children.
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