Medical termination of pregnancy is widely known by the name of abortion. Many are the reasons for ending the unwanted pregnancy, but every woman should think it over before doing it. An estimated 40% of women some time in their lives decide to end the pregnancy through medical procedure. In the United States one woman in three has an abortion. The operation for removing the fetus from the uterus is relatively common, routine and safe in the USA. The medical termination of the pregnancy can be carried out through surgical procedure or by the means of abortion pills. Termination
An abortion pill, mifepristone, directly affects the progesterone responsible for developing the pregnancy. The lack of progesterone influences the uterus where the fetus is being formed, causing thus the pregnancy to end. The pill can only be taken in the period not lasting longer than 63 days from the last menstruation. The woman takes the first pill under the doctor's supervision and then within three days after that, she takes the second pill. The pregnancy is ended several hours after the second pill. A woman will bleed for two or three weeks which is quite normal for this method of terminating the pregnancy. The pill is quite effective, and in order to use the pill, a woman has to consult her doctor. The pill is used together with some antibiotics.
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A woman can have an abortion in the clinic for the period up to 16 weeks. A doctor uses aspiration method or more precisely suction aspiration by which he removes the fetus from the uterus through the cervix. After this abortion, the woman has to stay in hospital or clinic for post-operative care. She can be released home within 24 hours. Bleeding and abdominal pains or cramps are common after this procedure, so there is nothing to worry about if the bleeding continues some time after the procedure. The doctor will monitor the recovery of the woman. There is the risk of having a profuse bleeding. However, only 5% of women have the problem with the heavy bleeding. The medical termination in such a way may also induce the forming of blood clots and possibly damage the neck of the uterus. Some women have experienced allergic reactions, too. The abortion can complicate if the doctor has not noticed the possible pregnancy outside the uterus, which is medically termed as ectopic pregnancy. There is a small chance of the failure of this procedure and sometimes another medical procedure may be needed to completely remove the fetus. The woman may get an infection after the abortion which can spread to the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus. The infection that affected all these organs is termed pelvic inflammatory disease. This condition has the slight chance of causing the problems with fertility or another pregnancy, but this is not often the case.
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