Termination of Pregnancy is Risky
A medical abortion involves intaking certain medications to stop a pregnancy. In certain cases the abortion is not induced so a follow up exam is necessary to make sure there is no embryo in the uterus. If the medications do not result in an abortion, surgery is necessary to stop a pregnancy. The medications are taken 2 days apart, with the first one loosening the attachment of the embryo to the womb while the second leads to uterus contraction, discharging its contents. A woman who is pregnant, who has had the onset of her last menstrual period 56 days ago, and consents to having a surgical abortion in case the medications don’t work is allowed to have a medical termination of pregnancy. There are instances in which a medical care professional will not permit a medical abortion, and those include having malfunctioning adrenal glands or having an embryo located in the fallopian tubes. Further, if there are any anomalies in the reproductive organs, or a woman is suffering from asthma or hypertension the medical abortion is not advised. Using the proposed medications for a medical abortion is relatively safe and widespread. It is approximated that 1 in every 100 women experiences internal bleeding and requires medical attention. Also, it is fairly reliable, resulting in abortions in 95 cases out of a 100. On average, only 5 women out of a 100 will need to have a surgical abortion in order to terminate their pregnancy. The reason why a surgical abortion is necessary after a failed medical one is because the medical termination causes severe damage to the uterus.
What Happens During a Medical Abortion?
Once a woman is referred to a fertility clinic, a medical care provider will inform the patient about the characteristics of the medical abortion, the possible side effects as well as the fact that in some cases a surgical intervention is required. A doctor will administer a battery of tests, concluding a patient is indeed pregnant and meets all the medical requirements for the procedure. The first medication will be given during the course of the initial visit and it is highly probable that the patient will endure abdominal cramps and mild bleeding within the first few days. The termination of pregnancy is unlikely to occur after only the initial half of the treatment. Two days later, in the comfort of her own home, the patient is required to take two tablets of the second medication. Strong cramps and heavy bleeding will follow within the first 6 hours which indicate the expulsion of womb contents. The vaginal bleeding usually lasts for additional two weeks. The final step of the process includes a follow up visit to the clinic 10 to 14 days after. It should be noted that even if a woman takes both medications and experiences the cramps and bleeding she could still be pregnant. Hence, it is crucial to have the follow up visit during which the doctor either confirms the termination of pregnancy or performs the surgical intervention to remove any leftover contents in the womb. When it comes to the side effects of a medical abortion, many women find it difficult to endure the abdominal pain and bleeding even though those are characteristic of the procedure. On average, around 15 percent of patients opt for taking painkillers. At the same time, every patient is strongly advised to contact emergency medical services should the bleeding be too strong, although this is fairly rare. Within the first 24 hours the woman should notice a 2 cm form being discharged and be reassured that the abortion was successful. Further, many patients complain of dizziness, loose bowel, and vomiting, while in some cases a high body temperature and headaches are reported. As soon as the woman takes the second batch of medications she can return to work if the discomfort is not too strong.
What Happens After the Abortion?
Research studies have shown that having a medical abortion does not leave any adverse consequences on the woman’s health nor does it reduce her chances of conceiving another child. In many cases women can become pregnant right after the procedure so unless one wants to, it is necessary to start using a method of birth control if a woman is sexually active. In addition, there are many advantages to having a medical abortion over surgery. For instance, there is always a risk of physical damage to the uterus during a surgical procedure. Many patients claim that it feels far less obstructive as well as convenient for most of it occurs at home. Finally, medical abortions can be performed before any signs of pregnancy occur. On the other hand, in order to go through with a medical abortion, the patient must visit the doctor several times and be prepared to wait 2 weeks to know whether the procedure was effective. There is always the risk that the intervention will be unsuccessful, resulting in surgery after all. Finally, the medications are known to have side effects.
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