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Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection which is transmittedthrough sexual intercourse. The bacteria from this infection, called Neisseriagonorrhoeae, attacks the cervix in women, and the urethra tube located in thepenis in men. Sometimes the disease can spread to the anus, throat and eyes.Gonorrhea does not depend on the kind of sexual activity or the sexualorientation of the partners as any of them could lead to it. However, the riskof gonorrhea does magnify when increasing number of sexual partners. Also,if the mother suffers from gonorrhea the newborn baby will have it aswell.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of gonorrhea will manifest themselves in the monthfollowing the intercourse which passed on the disease. They can sometimes beextremely mild and be completely disregarded for a while or they may even benon-existent at their first stages.

Fever and pain and stinging during urination are the mostbasic symptoms which apply to both sexes. The symptoms only men experienceinclude a lot more frequent urination than it should be, and a release of hazyfluids from the penis, filled with pus. This kind of release of hazy fluids canbe characteristic for women as well but their symptoms also include strongstomach pain and vaginal bleeding out of the menstrual cycle. These are justthe basic symptoms for gonorrhea that has not progressed far from its beginningstages. If that should happen the number of symptoms increases and they becomemore severe.

Diagnosing and treating gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is not difficult to diagnose, as there are testswhich can determine it. Doctor takes the medical, as well as sexual historyinto account, and performs an exam of the reproductive organs, taking thesample of the discharge and sending it for further testing.

The treatment for gonorrhea is also fairly simple. Itconsists of an antibiotic therapy for the cases which have been devoid offurther complications but if this should happen, sometimes it requires hospitalstay.

Possible complications

If gonorrhea is not treated for too long, it can lead tosome serious complications. First of all gonorrhea can cause infertility inboth men and women. For women, this happens when the gonorrhea reaches theuterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease which damagesthe tubes and increases the risk of infertility. For men, on the other hand,the inflammation happens in the testicles, where the sperm is located.Furthermore when the bacteria causing gonorrhea is in the body too long, itcan spread to its other parts through the blood, causing fever, hives, jointpain, swelling and stiffness. Finally people with gonorrhea are more prone toother sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

All in all, the best way to avoid gonorrhea is prevention.Avoiding sexual contact in general or at least with more than one partnershould lower the chances of gonorrhea to a minimum. Making sure that bothpartners are tested and negative for sexually transmitted diseases and usinglatex condoms are also good ways to be on the safe side.

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