Cold sores or fever blisters in the mouth usually look like small red blisters that can be extremely painful. These blisters can appear on other parts of the body but they are commonly seen on the roof of the mouth or on the gums.
Mouth Cold Sores
At first, people notice tingling and burning for a day or two and only then notice and feel cold sores. They are caused by the viral infection of the mouth with herpes simplex virus (also called HSV). There are two types of this virus, HSV1 and HSV 2, but HSV 2 is more commonly known as the root cause of mouth problems.
If you happen to had HSV viral infection or to acquire one recently this virus can cause cold sores in your mouth. This is because HSV stays in the body for good and can’t be cured. Normally, it doesn’t cause much trouble but needs certain conditions to cause problems. Weakness of the immune system, increased acidity of the body, excessive exposure to the sun or imbalance in arginine and lysine levels (these are amino acids in the body) can provide environment needed for replication of HSV and thus cause cold sores in the mouth. The same problem is also present in people dealing with constant stress. They can also experience HSV infection and frequent problems with mouth cold sores.
Can You Cure Cold Sores in the Mouth?
In most patients cold sores in the mouth resolve in several days. It usually takes up to 10 days to get rid of them. You can ease the symptoms and deal with them, but once contracted infection with herpes simplex is something you are going to learn how to live with because it can’t be cured. Every time your immune system gets weakened there are high chances you would develop cold sores in your mouth because of this.
Therefore it is extremely important to maintain strong immune system to prevent escalation of cold sores in the mouth. Learning how to ease the stress is also vital for everyone dealing with fever blisters.
However, there are several remedies you may want to try to ease the problems once it has appeared. People suggest using toothpaste with zinc to relieve the burning and the pain caused by cold sores. Rubbing an ice cube over the cold sore might also help, as well as some garlic paste applied onto it. Glass of aloe juice a day should help you get rid of cold sores and the food rich in lysine is also found to have positive effects.
Some recommend using non-prescription antiviral medications for cold sores. Additionally, many agree that stress free life is also great against cold sores, so try to maintain mental balance, practicing meditation or yoga or simply by exercising something you enjoy doing and eating healthy.
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