More about Watery Diarrhea
This phenomenon usually lasts for less than 2 weeks. Often, it is accompanied by some other symptoms. Some of these are gases, bloating and stomach cramps. One of the main dangers of this condition is dehydration due to excessive water loss. If not taken care of, dehydration can be quite perilous, even life-threatening. Numerous factors may lead to watery diarrhea. Therefore, the necessary treatments for this condition vary, depending on the underlying culprit.
Reasons behind Watery Diarrhea
Mainly, this condition is caused by viruses which manage to get into one's digestive tract, affecting the stool formation processes there. Even though these viruses are considered to be the main triggers, bacteria can lead to watery diarrhea as well, especially if Campylobacter, Salmonella or Shigella are the casuses. Moreover, cholera is an infection which is known to trigger watery diarrhea too. Also, if the watery diarrhea takes place hand-in-hand with infrequent loose bowel movements, tiredness, lack of appetite, stomach pain, fever and vomiting, Crohn's Disease may be the reason behind all these health issues.
Strangely enough, in some cases even constipation can lead to watery diarrhea. However, stomach pain in these cases is severe, accompanied with blood in the stool. Finally, the food you eat and the medications you are taking, both can provoke watery diarrhea.
Treatment for Watery Diarrhea
The most important aspect of watery diarrhea treatment is compensating for the loss of water in the organism. Thus, proper and adequate water intake is a must. Additionally, in cases of bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed. Sometimes, dehydration may need to be treated through infusion of water and rehydration salts. Milk and dairy products, as well as sweets are not recommended since these are known to make matters worse.
All in all, whenever you notice that a watery diarrhea has bothered you for more than two days, seek medical attention. Timely treatment is the best treatment. Also, do the same if your watery diarrhea is accompanied by blood in the stool, fever, abdominal pain or other such symptoms. Therefore, do not ignore watery diarrhea since it may become more serious than you can possibly imagine.
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