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The following text will talk about two very healthy algae and they are called spirulina and Chlorella. They are very popular today, but there seems to be a struggle between those who are using spirulina and those who are using Chlorella. The struggle is a result of the issue of which of these two super foods is more beneficial and healthy for a human body. And, we will try to explain the difference and answer this question. Dietary supplements are form in which these super foods are usually consumed. Many studies have focus on the benefits of the algae, but the studies conducted on these two have stated that they have antioxidant and protein content that makes them so healthy to consume. Since this discovery, there are many artificial ponds created for their harvesting in a larger scale. These algae are undoubtedly healthy for a human organism, and they can be used by anyone, from children to old people, regardless of the sex. But naturally, there will be a change in dosages. Also, people who do not eat meat do not consume enough proteins and these algae supplements are best for them, since they will give the body the proteins it needs. But the biggest question is which of these two is healthier. Unfortunately, there is no great difference between them, since they are very effective in what they do, but there are some differences in the nutritional value, structure and taxonomy, which we will explain next.

Algae Type and Nutrient Value

While spirulina comes from a division cyanophyta and it is a blue green algae shaped like a spiral, Chlorella belongs to cholorophyta and it is a green algae. Also, while Chlorella is unicellular and eukaryotic, spirulina is prokaryotic, and this makes Chlorella more advanced than spirulina.

While Chlorella has 40% proteins, 20% fats and carbohydrates, and 10% of minerals and vitamins, spirulina has from 55 to 75% of proteins, which makes it better in protein content. Spirulina also has a lot of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.

Healing Property

Animal tests on rats proved that Chlorella can prevent cancer and promote vascular function, but these results haven't been confirmed on people. Complications after stroke and fighting against heart damage are some of the benefits of spirulina. It can also aid in weigh gaining and curing the symptoms of malnutrition.

Recommended Intake

Some professionals say that the best results will be gained if 1:2 ratios of Chlorella and spirulina is taken. Also, the required dosage of these two algae during the day is from 3 to 5g. When we say 1:2 ratios, it means that you need to take twice as much spirulina than Chlorella. Before taking some of these supplements, talk to the doctor and inform yourself about their benefits. The question we asked will unfortunately remain without an answer since both of these algae are very beneficial and maybe the best answer is to take them simultaneously for maximum effect.

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