The female reproductive system is avery complex system, as well as the reproductive process itself. The menstrual cycleis very important for every woman. It starts with the onset of puberty and endswhen a woman enters menopause. It is regarded that the most important stage ofa woman’s menstrual cycle is ovulation, which occurs every month when anovary releases the egg into the fallopian tube in order to be fertilized by a spermatozoid. Every woman should know when she isovulating since it is the period when her chances to conceive the pregnancy arethe highest. Therefore, it is very important for every woman to know the exacttime of ovulation if she plans to stay pregnant, or if she wants to preventpregnancy.
In women who have regular menstrual periods,ovulation occurs on the 14th day in a 28 day menstrual period. Awoman should start counting from the first day of her period and the ovulationusually happens between the 14th and 16th day. On theother side, in women with irregular menstrual cycle, ovulation may occurbetween the 8th and 20th day of the menstrual period.
Chances of conceiving pregnancy duringovulation
If a womanwants to get pregnant, she should have sexual intercourse in the time ofovulation since in this period the egg is released into the fallopian tube andis ready for fertilization. Therefore, the chances for a woman to get pregnantare very high when she ovulates. The ovulationusually lasts about two days. Actually, the egg stays in the fallopian tube for12 to 48 hours. During this period, the hormones progesterone and estrogen areproduced by ovaries since they are very important for the conception and forpregnancy. Furthermore, the lining of the uterus thickens since it preparesitself to receive the fertilized egg. If the egg is fertilized by aspermatozoid, it implants itself in the wall of the uterus. Otherwise, it disintegratesand along with the uterus lining is ejected from the body through the menstruation.
Every womanshould know that the conception cannot occur before ovulation, but the spermcan live for two or three days in the body of a woman. Therefore, the fertile periodis not limited to just one day. To conclude,the highest chances for a woman to stay pregnant are during ovulation. However,she may stay pregnant if she has an intercourse the three days beforeovulation and during the two days after the ovulation, although the chances are notvery high.
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