Introduction to water on the kneeWater on the knee is a term used to explain swelling in the knee joint that occurs when fluid builds up in that area of the leg.
The lining of the knee joint capsule produces fluid that is used to lubricate the parts of the knee that need to move in order to enable a person to walk, and this fluid also nourishes the cartilage.
There are certain diseases or injuries that can cause the knee to produce too much fluid.
Direct injuries to the knee are usually the most common causes for water on the knee, as are infections and inflammatory diseases that affect these joints.
If a person does notice water on the knee, the best thing to do is to first contact a doctor, who will tell the person if it is the result of an injury or an infection. After this, the doctor will be able to recommend the proper therapy.
An infection can lead to very severe and permanent damage if it is not treated right away.
If it is some kind of a traumatic injury, the fluid inside the knee joint could also contain blood, but if it is an infection, there could be puss inside the knee as well.
If it is caused by an inflammatory disease such as arthritis, then there may be too many white bloods cells in the fluid.
Water on the knee can also become a chronic problem if not treated on time.
The most visible and obvious symptom of the condition is the swelling that occurs on the knee. When this occurs, the person will not be able to fully straighten the knee and there will be pain present constantly, which will be felt with every movement of the knee.
Other symptoms will occur, but they all depend on what is causing this main symptom of swelling.
When it is caused by osteoarthritis, it will be really hard and painful for people to stand and walk. When it is an inflammation, then the knee will not only be swollen, but also hot, red and painful.
The most common cause is an acute injury or an overuse of the knee. When the tissue in the knee is damaged from an injury, the fluid from the tissue will begin to leak and fill the area around the knee joint.
As mentioned previously, other possible causes can be infections that spread to the knee or inflammatory issues such as arthritis that are causing the build up of excess fluid in the joint.
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