Paranoia is a mental illness that causes the patient to feel as if something bad is happening. Furthermore, the patient feels that some other people deliberately cause something bad happens, but most often these thoughts in a paranoiac patient are excessive and unsupported. Paranoia is often a fear of physical, psychological, social, and financial harm.
Causes of Paranoia
There are many potential causes of paranoia. A cause of paranoia may be homosexual frustration. Freud also said that patients who suffer from the disease are repressed about their tendencies toward homosexual love. However, this Freud's claim is not considered mandatory and correct or true in most cases, which means that homosexual frustration is not the cause of paranoia in all patients.

Most psychologists believe that the main cause of paranoia is the feeling of inferiority, which is the consequence of failure, revulsion, and guilt. Some psychologists, on the other hand, think that the emotional complex is the cause of paranoia. However, they consider that the emotional complex may be the cause of some other diseases.
Furthermore, it can also occur in normal persons. It is also believed that some types of personalities are more predisposed to suffer from paranoia than others. For example, a person who is sentimental, jealous, suspicious, ambitious, selfish, and lazy, he/she can soon develop paranoia than some other types of personalities.
The causes of paranoia can be stress and a big change in the life of a person. Also, if a person has difficult relations at home and work, he/she is more likely to become isolated and prone to paranoia. Furthermore, the sense of anxiety and depression, as well as other negative emotions, such as certain big concerns, can lead to paranoia.
Some strange feelings can lead to paranoia, as well. For example, a sense of threat, or if a person feels strange and excited due to stress, may be potential cases that lead to the development of paranoia.
Sleeplessness and insomnia are also some of the causes of this condition. If the person is under stress, he/she often has a sense of anxiety and irritability and because of that negative thoughts appear. This can lead to paranoia and the feeling that some unpleasant things are deliberately caused by others. Therefore, stress and paranoia induce a sense that the man is in danger from other people.
Paranoia can be inherited, as well. The causes of paranoia are not physical, and the ill person does not show any signs of physical deformity. Also, often the cause of paranoia is not only one but a combination of several causes.
- Worry, negative self-beliefs, and sleep disturbance have been identified as contributory factors to the onset, maintenance, and severity of paranoia.
- We tested the specificity of these contributory factors to paranoia compared to grandiosity, a different type of delusional ideation. Data were used from 814 adults from the Nathan Kline Institute-Rockland (NKI-Rockland) study, a general population dataset.
- Paranoid and grandiose delusional ideation was assessed using the Peters Delusions Inventory (PDI-21) and correlated with self-reported worry (n = 228), negative self-beliefs (n = 485), and sleep quality (n = 655). Correlations were compared using Fisher's r-to-z transform to examine whether the magnitude of relationships differed by delusion type.
- Paranoia was significantly associated with worry, negative self-belief, and sleep quality. Grandiosity demonstrated significantly weaker relationships with worry and negative self-beliefs.
- Relationships with sleep quality were similar. We replicate previous reports that worry, negative self-beliefs and sleep quality are associated with paranoid ideation in the general population. We extend these findings by demonstrating that these contributory factors, particularly worry and negative self-beliefs, are associated with paranoid ideation to a greater extent than grandiosity.
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