Pain in the back is not at all uncommon and many people experience it regardless of the age, because it can affect anyone and there are many possible causes. However, when the pain is felt in the lower back and in the hip, people tend to become particularly worried because it affects walking even more, and they tend to believe that it is even more serious. The truth is that in the greatest majority of the cases, the combination of these two types of pain is not a reason for too much concern and it goes away without a need for medical help. Identified as some of the most common causes are postural distortion, piriformis syndrome, tight leg muscles, sacroiliac joint dysfunction and iliopsoas syndrome. Postural distortion results in reduced blood flow to certain muscles, which further causes pain in question and activates certain trigger points. Piriformis syndrome occurs in cases when piriformis muscle is tight chronically, which results in the entrapment of the sciatic nerve. Tight leg muscles might also contribute to the pain in the lower back and hip, particularly if these muscles are also short. However, this problem is one of the easiest to cure, which means that it is not a reason to worry. Those who want to make sure that this is the cause of their pain should only try to touch the toes, and if they are not able to, it is a sure sign that their hamstrings are tight. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction results in this kind of pain in cases when these joints are stuck and unmoving. This is especially common in cases of pelvic torsion. Iliopsoas syndrome involves two muscles, psoas and iliacus, and straining of psoas often results in the pain in question, particularly when trying to stand up.
It is also important to mention that this type of pain can occur due to aging, weakness of some muscles, misalignment of the joints, and other reasons.
How to relieve lower back and hip pain?
The fact is that in the majority of cases, this problem can be relieved if a person decides to give a chance to some methods of alternative medicine. For instance, acupressure or acupuncture have proven to be more than helpful in cases of lower back and hip pain. However, for those who are not willing to try out something new, applying hot and cold pack might help as well, and massage.
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