Hair Loss
Hair loss most commonly affects men. Still even women may face with this problem.
It is normal for a person to lose hair. Every person loses approximately 100 hairs per days. The lost hair will grow back within two and a half months. This is actually individual and in some people hair grows faster than in others.
Apart from normal loss of hair this process may accompany certain illnesses or be a consequence of certain conditions or even side effect of some medications or therapeutic procedures. Abnormal loss of hair includes loss of more than 100 hairs per day where people in short period of time may become completely bold. Boldness affects men significantly, but this condition definitely hurts women more. Many people cannot accept the unpleasant reality and try everything they can to prevent further loss of hair.
Common Causes of Hair Loss
Increased hair loss is mostly related to the process of aging. In elderly people the production of antioxidants is insufficient and this leads to increase in the quantity of DHT (a part of one hormone which is known to be a trigger for hair loss). The overall result is loss of hair.
Another cause of hair loss is deficiency of certain minerals. Normal hair growth is maintained in the presence of calcium, copper, iron, chromium, and magnesium. The deficiency of any of the previously mentioned minerals may lead to loss of hair.
Even insufficient amount of oxygen can be responsible for hair loss. Namely, the hair follicles cannot function properly if they lack in oxygen, they become weak and the scalp becomes dry. One of the potential causes of insufficient oxygen supply can be intake of too much saturated fat which may clog up arteries.
Medications can be another cause of hair loss. Lithium, warfarin, amphetamines and heparin can lead to hair loss. People who undergo chemotherapy also suffer from hair loss depending on the particular medication which has been used. Loss of hair can even happen during radiation therapy of the cranium due to brain tumors. Fortunately, the loss of hair in these cases in only temporary and the hair eventually grows back.
Proper growth of hair can be obtained if one consumes sufficient amount of proteins especially those which contain sulfur. The food also needs to be rich in trace elements.
And finally, in some people loss of hair is hereditary. In people who suffer from hereditary loss of hair the hair will never grow back and is lost for good.
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