Since time immemorial, people, especially cultures from the East have used turmeric, also known as curcumin as both a nutritional addition to their diet and a universal cure for numerous health problems. In fact, this plant, belonging to the ginger family, is considered to be a potential natural cure forcancer.
Therefore, the following lines will give you more information about curcumin, opening the door to the information that can possibly change your life.
What is Curcumin?
Curcumin is the principal curcuminoid which gives turmeric its distinctive yellow color. When combined with one's nutrition, curcumin can have various health benefits. First of all, when 2g or curcuma domestica extract are added to your daily nutrition, the effect of it is equal to an ibuprofen taken in order to relieve you of pain.
In fact, various studies have proven that taking curcumin in 12g doses a day, over the course of 3 months is a completely safe step to take, not causing any possible side-effects. Yet, you are advised to consult with your doctor before taking initial doses of curcumin since it has been known to cause blood clotting in some cases. Also, it has been related to gallstone issues, so you may want to be careful in this case as well.
Nevertheless, the power of this natural medicine does not stop here, especially once we take into consideration that curcumin has been used as a part of Ayurvedic medicine since 1900BC. Some of the potential medical capabilities of this medicine have been proven through animal testing. However, we are yet to find out the true positive effects that curcumin has on people. Until then, a study from 2008 has proven that curcumin can be used for treatment and prevention of tumor, since it is a very powerful antioxidant. Also, it has very potent anti-ichemic, antiarthritic, antimyloid and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a medicine with endless potentials, holding great promise for all future medical developments.
Some other studies and analyses have confirmed that curcumin plays an important role in preventing and treating Alzheimer's disease. Again, most of the tests which dealt with the neurological effects of this medicine were carried out on rodents. Thus, we cannot claim that curcumin has the same effect on people. Regardless, 1010 people who ate curry on a regular basis were involved in a study showed higher mental functions at old age than those who did not. Moreover, some of the people who were tested ate curry only once in every 6 months, but showed improvementnevertheless.
However, one of the greatest potentials that this medicine may have lays in its antioxidant powers, which are suspected to be capable of preventing and treating various forms of cancer. Hence, most of the studies related to curcumin are connected with exploring this natural feature.
Benefits of Curcumin in Cancer Fight
The main strength of curcumin in the fight against cancer lies in its ability to restore the previously lost immune system function. Namely, the immune system begins to weaken due to many years of previous improper nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle. However, curcumin prevents this by activating and restoring the functions of two types of immune system cells – CD4 and CD8 T cells, thereby stimulating the production of proteins necessary for keeping immune system cells alive and well. At the same time, curcumin reduces the development of proteins which are related to the destruction of these cells.
In 2010, a study showed that malignant brain tumors can be positively affected by curcumin, since this powerful cure inhibits their development, as well as the migration and invasion that are related to cancer cells. Studies carried out on rats showed that relatively small doses of curcumin are required to reduce the carcinogenesis of the colon. Also, some other tests of this type showed that curcumin prevents and treats breast cancer and prevents its metastasis onto the lungs. Finally, due to its capability of preventing inflammation of the kidneys, curcumin can be related to the prevention of certain renal diseases.
Some other important benefits of curcumin are connected to prevention of clogged arteries and lowering of the risk of suffering from heart attack. Basically, curcumin prevents platelet coagulation, which is known to be related to the formation of blood clots which can trigger numerous health issues, including heart attacks. In addition to this invaluable feature, curcumin is capable of boosting one's mental features and capabilities, keeping Alzheimer's disease and many similar conditions at bay.
All in all, curcumin holds great promise in future fights against many forms of cancer. We are yet to discover its true potential. Until then, we should not ignore nor neglect the knowledge we already possess. Rather, we should concentrate on discovering other benefits that stem from this natural medicine and use it for overcoming cancer, one of the most dangerous diseases of the modern times.
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