Turmeric or Curcuma longa (also known as Indian saffron) isa plant of the Zingiberaceae family, which grows in tropical areas of SouthAsia. Rhizomes of this plant are gathered, boiled and then dried and groundedinto the powder. Turmeric powder is used as spice and for dyeing, but thispowder has also found its place as the medicine herb.
What is It Used For
One component of turmeric – curcumin is especially usefulfor medical purposes. Among many uses of turmeric, it is discovered that it hasanti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic purposes. Ayurvedic scriptsalso claim that turmeric can benefit human health, and digestive system is saidto be positively influenced by this spice. Patients suffering from arthritis ordementia can also be treated with turmeric.
How to Use
Turmeric can be found as the powder, tablet or capsulated, andthese products can contain turmeric or only isolated curcumin.
Always consult your doctor before you start with turmeric (orcurcumin) treatment. You should know that the amount of turmeric used as spice won’thave any therapeutic effect against your cancer. Much higher doses are necessaryto treat the disease, and your doctor should decide the dose needed in yourcase.
Anti-Cancerous Properties
Curcumin is discovered to be of great help in patientssuffering from various tumors. This substance can help fighting against skincancer, breast cancer, but also against the stomach and bowel cancers.
Turmeric (or isolated curcumin, also) can be helpful incancer treatments because of several reasons. It is proved that curcumin hasantioxidant properties. As such, it can neutralize free oxygen radicals, one ofthe factors responsible for heart problems and cancers. The use of curcumin cantherefore decrease the risk of developing different cancers.
Curcumin is also found to inhibit certain tumor growth enzymes,which can stop the growth and progression of the cancer.
There were several studies performed on animals, researchingthe effect of turmeric and curcumin on cancers. The studies performed on miceconcluded that turmeric can reduce about 40% of benign colon cancer or some 70%of prostate cancer. However, there are few researches conducted on humans. Onestudy proved that if the woman was treated with curcumin, ovarian cancer cellsbecome more sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
When to Avoid
Turmeric or curcumin products should not be used if you are sufferingfrom gastrointestinal ulcers, gallstones or obstructed bile ducts.
Pregnant women are also advised not to take any of theseturmeric or curcumin products.
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