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One cup of coffee contains 9 calories but apart from that a lot of people do not know what is the real relationship between caffeine and weight gain.

Relationship between caffeine and weight gain

A person who intakes caffeine actually makes himself or herself eat more. There are a couple of reasons why is that so.

Food cravingsA person who puts a limit on his or her daily caffeine intake has a greater chance of controlling the food cravings. When a person consumes caffeine, his or her stress hormone cortisol is heightened. This hormone is responsible for the increased heart rate, blood pressure and it tells the body that there is need for more energy. When that happens, a person will feel the need for sweets.

Appetite stimulantHypoglycemia happens when a person's blood glucose levels fall. In situations like this, the body will lack fuel for the performance of simple and regular activities. A person can intake glucose through foods that are rich in carbohydrates like rice, potatoes, bread, cereal, milk, fruit and sweets. Sometimes, consumption of caffeine causes hypoglycemia to occur and that is why a person may feel the need for the sweets and other foods rich in calories.


Everybody who intakes caffeine feel jittery at least once in their life. However, the effects caused by caffeine are far more serious than that. Caffeine is known to provoke stress and that stress can be physical, emotional and mental. When a person is under stress cause by caffeine intake, he or she may trigger emotional eating or the need for comfort food. This is another way how caffeine can cause a person to gain weight. A person who leaves caffeine will have to worry about emotional eating no more.

Cortisol levels

A higher cortisol level can have various effects on a person. Some can even feel anxious, fearful and even angry or frustrated. A person can even feel depressed. The ability to learn and communicate will be affected as well. If the levels of this hormone are high for a longer period of time, that can lower the immune system, increase the blood pressure, weaken the muscle tissue, decrease the bone density and even increase fat in the stomach areas.

Caffeine and insulin resistance

Everybody knows that there is a connection between caffeine and insomnia. The reason for that is because caffeine affects the insulin resistance and insomnia and sleep deprivation are related to insulin resistance. Insulin also regulates the blood sugar, controls the storage of fat, has the influence on appetite and kidney functions. There are some other problems a person may experience if his or her insulin levels are elevated all the time.

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