Cortisol – Weight Gainer?
Whenit comes to cortisol and its effects, in the recent time there has been more than plenty of talk, which had more of a negative connotation. Namely, up until know it has been believed that limiting the overall levels of the substance in question is the surest way to control the weight gain, as well as to ward off that excessive and unwanted body fat. It is exactly out of this reason that certain supplements (e.g. CortiSlim) have been intensively promoted and advertised as the best cortisol based excessive weight curbers.
Cortisolis actually a hormone that is made by the adrenal cortex – gland situated in the area right above the kidney. Among its most vital functions are those concerning the blood pressure regulation, as well as the regulation of the levels of sugar in the blood and it is extremely effective in reduction of any occurring inflammations. Despite the fact that this hormone is among those that are excreted on a regular and daily basis, greater quantities are usually excessively excreted as a direct response to the presence of stress. The main reason why this hormone gets to be produced in far greater amounts than usually in stressful moments, is that it aids our body in coping much better with the momentary circumstances. One of the techniques it employs to accomplish this is by transforming the available proteins into glucose, which is then used as an additional fuel by the body. The direct consequence of this is the blood sugar and blood pressure rise in levels.
The “Why”
Oncethe levels of this hormone experience an increase in the levels, as a response to the occurring stress, causing the levels of sugar in blood to increase, the glucose, which is at that moment regarded as surplus, starts pilling up in the form of fats once the stressful period is over. This of course can lead but only to one thing, and that is gaining weight. The card almost all manufacturers of cortisol play on is to make you believe that the weight gain is actually due to and a direct consequence of the stress, psychological in nature, as well as a direct consequence of the rise in the production of cortisol itself. And of course, what they mean and indirectly imply is that by curbing the cortisol production by means of their products you will be able to curb the piling up of additional pounds as well.
Ingeneral, there is almost no room for doubt when it comes to the fact that excessive cortisol levels do lead to piling up of excessive weight, but, on the other hand, the quantity of this hormone that is excreted as a direct result of the intense stress are most likely not even close to onset any significant gain in weight. Those who do experience weight gain are people who suffer from one particular disease known as the Cushing’s Syndrome (adrenal cortex loses control in producing cortisol).
Inthe end, the evidence for the effectiveness of cortisol blockers is scant, and it is also considered that entire excessive weight gaining is actually due to increased levels of this hormone, let alone that it can be “cured” by means of such medicines as cortisol blockers.
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