Cases of breast cancer among young children aged 14 are veryrare so do not be scared if you find a lump on your breast. It is not strange to be afraid when we see something that we cannot explain is happening with our body. Like we have said, breast canceroccurs very rarely among young children, but women should go on regular checkupsfrom the minute they turn 18 years of age. Also, you can do this earlier if youwant, so you do not have to wait to be 18. You will get more familiar with yourbreasts if you start examining them regularly and this will help if you starthaving some problems because you will spot it right away and thus react timely and accordingly.
Bumps and Breasts
Muscles, ducts and glands make up breasts and this is why we get that lumpyfeeling when we touch them. Lobules are the glands that will start developingonce you reach puberty and they are responsible for the milk production neededfor the breast feeding. They are located behind the nipple and the tissue isall around them. Also, they can be a bit lumpy when touched. Periods will makean impact on the breasts so they will be tender and swollen before the period.
Like we have said, you can examine yourself and this should be done severaldays after the period. You can do this once every month. We will give you fewpointers so you do this in the right way. When you are doing this examination, you should not wear a bra. The examination is conducted while standing in frontof a mirror with arms placed on your sides. Remember that you need to berelaxed and look at your boobs. Try to see any changes on the nipples or thedimples on your skin. Continue looking and you can alter your position andangles. You can clamp hands, bend forward, raise arms or something else. Thisis a visual part of the examination and now comes the physical one. This partis done while sitting. This can be done under a shower, on the bed or somewhereelse. Be relaxed during this examination and know that this may be hard in the beginning.With your fingers on your breasts, do an examination in a circular motion andknow that the other hand needs to be raised in the air. Continue in a spiralingshape and go from the outside to the inside area of the breast. Look for anydimples, bumps and lumps. Also, pressure during the examination is needed sochange it from mild to firm as you go along. Then gently squeeze the nipplewith your forefinger and thumb and see if liquid comes out. Look for bloody orsticky discharge from the nipple, breast, nipple shape alterations andincreased size of one breast. If you experience any of these problems, see adoctor. Also, if one breast is dragging lower then other, you should see a doctor.If you are unsure about the process of breast self-examination consult adoctor.
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