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If your child is suffering from a clearly noticeable, unpleasant body odor, you are advised to react as soon as possible and provide him/her an adequate medical assistance. Namely, out of many different things which can be expressed through body smell, there is one which may be classified as a more serious one. This thing would be a metabolic disorder, where the child's organism is incapable to break some chemicals he/she receives, due to the lack of specific enzymes. As an effect, the child begins suffering from strange body odors. Therefore, before paying your doctor a visit, make sure your child has not taken a bath, since the smell needs to be present with the child, in order for the doctor to establish a proper diagnosis. Additionally, you might ask the doctor if metabolic disorders could be the case, only to remind him/her to include specific tests into the examination. Once there is a diagnosis, and the problem is metabolic, the child is likely to be sent to a specialist, where further examination and adequate treatment will be prescribed.

How to Diagnose the Problem Yourself

Before visiting a doctor, there are several methods you can use in order to make sure your child's body odor is not caused by something else, to rule out the metabolic factor, that is. First of all, you might try changing the type of milk your child is drinking, if he/she prefers cow's, since this type of milk is likely to cause body odor. Thus, swap this type of milk with an organic one. Also, you might exchange it with soy milk or rice and almond milk. If the odor disappears after this change, make it permanent.

Secondly, premature puberty is known to cause body odor. Yet, if your child is younger than five years, you have no grounds for these claims. Still, for older children, you might take this factor into consideration too.

Additionally, parasites may be behind the strange and unpleasant body smell of your child. Subsequently, you might want to rule these out as well, by getting a proper diagnosis from the doctor. Luckily, most parasites are capable of being successfully treated at home. Thus, once your child gets the diagnosis, the rest will be more or less easy.

How to Treat Unpleasant Odor inChildren

The first thing you might do, if parasites are behind the problem, is to use a small amount of MSM powder, for your child to drink, mixed with water, in order to get rid of parasites and germs which may be causing the odor. Eliminating certain types of food like eggs, meat, dairy products, corn and others may lead to the solution too.

Excessive sweating and toxicity may be additional causes of this problem. Thus, make sure you do not allow your children to use deodorants for adults. Rather, you might use baking soda, diluted apple vinegar, or baby wipes all natural things for keeping your child's skin clean and healthy.

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