Age and Body Weight
Obesity is a very serious problem of modern society in general. Due to their working hours and other activities, the people are unable to establish some healthy and regular eating habits. Rather, they tend to eat fast food and junk food more often than tolerable. This reflects onto their body, increasing the weight of it and easily leading to obesity. What is more, more and more children get obese for this specific reason, lack of adequate cuisine and a proper diet. Therefore, the children who are obese get depressed and teased by their peers, having troubles losing those extra pounds they gained so easily. In their tendencies to lose weight, these children may cause numerous eating disorders, jeopardizing their health. Thus, for all these, and many more reasons, it is necessary to be aware of the adequate weight connected to specific age and other qualities of a human being. By knowing which is your ideal weight, it will surely be easier for you to reach it and maintain it throughout certain parts of life.
How To Solve This Problem?
First and foremost, there are numerous different factors regarding a child's optimal weight. We must take all of these into consideration. Namely, a child who is taller than others may be less developed in the shoulders or other things contributing to a person's dimensions. Therefore, height is not a single matter of concern. Also, even though two children look the same physically, in regard of shape of their bodies, one may still have thicker bones, thus, reasonably, weighing more.
This is where your body mass index gets into consideration. While, when determining adequate body weight in children or teenagers, we look at his or her current weight, age, gender and height. As for adults, only height and current weight areimportant.
Calculate Your Body Mass Index
In order to know your ideal body weight, you are to calculate it using body mass index charts. There are different ones for children and adults. Thus, all below the age of 20 are to take the children ones, due to the differences in calculation formulas. At the end of the testing, if the child's percentage of body mass index results in 80, that would mean that he or she weighs more than 80% of his or her peers. A result of 85 would mean danger of becoming overweight while more that 95 is a state of being obese. On the other hand, everything lower than 5 indicates a child's extremely low weight. So, if you feel your weight is inadequate for your age, gender or height, feel free to do something about it. Seek professional help, have yourself examined and determine your ideal weight. After that, try to achieve it and provide your body the best conditions for this task.
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