Hypothyroidism is the condition caused by the lack of production of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland. One of the many symptoms which occur due to this condition are poor muscle tone, thin fingernails, muscle cramps, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, depression, carpal tunnel syndrome, insufficient sweating, dry skin, constipation, weight gain, retention of water, osteoporosis. Causes for this disease are iodine deficiency, hereditary factor and stress of the modern life. People with underactive thyroid gland are usually gaining weight. Besides medications and remedies a person should take after consulting a doctor, he or she should follow a diet designed specifically for this condition. This diet can help a person improve their general health, but also lose weight and maintain it in the long run. Weight gain is caused by the slower metabolism typical for people with hypothyroidism. Another cause for weight gain is decreased production of adrenalin.
There are two sections of the diet for underactive thyroid gland. First section deals with foods people should include in their normal diet, and the second deals with foods people should avoid.
First of the constituents of the "good" food is whole food products. This means whole grains, seeds, unprocessed brown rice, legumes and millet. Fruits and vegetables should be the basis of everyone's diet, and other kinds of food should just be additions to them. Of course, it is always better to choose organically grown food to those artificially grown food for commercial use. It is important for everybody, and especially for people with hypothyroidism to increase the intake of iodine. Foods that contain iodine in abundance are sea salt, iodized salt, seafood and dairy products. There are artificial supplements of thyroid which can be bought over the counter or by the doctor's prescription. However, it is always better to look for those supplements in the nature like in the herbs that can even be bought in the store. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before they increase the intake of iodine. Vitamin E and zinc should be included in the daily diet. Vitamin E increases the absorption of iodine, and zink improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Things that should be avoided are alcohol, which is not characteristic only for hypothyroid diet. Caffeine upsets the functioning of glands and besides in coffee, it is found in many soft drinks as well. Foods with low nutritional value and with a high level of calories should be avoided.They make people feel full for a short period of time, but they also give them permanent weight. Fluoride and chlorine prevent the absorption of the iodine which is the main cause of hypothyroidism. So, instead of taking fluoride and chlorine, a person should take vitamin E, as described above.
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