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The condition which is recognizable by an enlargement of the thyroid gland which is located on the neck, under the chin, is medically called goiter. The disorders of the thyroid gland can be the mentioned gland being overactive (hyperthyroidism) or underactive (hypothyroidism).

This condition is tightly associated with not having enough, or not be able to absorb enough iodine into the organism. This disorder directly leads to hypothyroidism which is characterized by the symptoms of overall weakness and the generally lowered metabolic rate, apart from the swollen thyroid gland. The hormonal changes are prone to develop such as the excessive bleeding during the period (concerning the female population), the dryness of the skin and fattening.

Consequently, the excessive amount of this chemical in the body leads to hyperthyroidism.

Other disorders that can provoke the goiter are tumors, autoimmune diseases and various infections. The risk factors may be the polluted air and the intake of certain medications.

Treatment with supplements

Since this condition is almost always caused by the lack of the nutrient, this nutrient should be added to the feeding on a daily basis. Of course, the changes in the lifestyle which include planning the diet and involving the homemade remedies into it are necessary but such actions don’t promise supplying the organism with enough iodine.

So, the supplementation is the best choice and less than two grams of iodine must be consumed per day, because more than that can be harmful. Surprisingly, the excessive intake of it causes the same problem, the goiter. However, the advised dose is about 200 micrograms of iodine. Also, the mix of vitamins E and C and beta carotene stops the growth of goiter.


As far as the natural (non-processed) intake of the supplements is concerned, the fish and the other inhabitants of the salty waters need to be consumed. Lately, it has been added to the salts and certain oils, due to the raised level of the importance of this chemical element.

Nevertheless, there are certain foods that should be avoided, concerning the goiter matter and those are cabbage, broccoli, kale, soybeans, mustard, pine nuts and millet.

Sometimes, the lack of some other nutrients in the organism also decreases the level of the iodine. Such are the problems of the absorption of vitamin A, zinc, proteins, and manganese. But, if there is an excessive concentration of magnesium and calcium, it could be also the trigger for goiter.

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