What is constipation?
Constipationis not a sickness, and it is surely not a disease. It is much rather a condition of metabolism. A symptom. A sign that something else is malfunctioning within the human body.
Whena person suffers from a case of constipation, his or her bowel movements are somewhat more idle than ought to be. The result of this particular type of lack of body activity is the infrequent and often painful discharge of hard and dry stool.
Medical professionals discuss that a person ought to experience a single bowel movement per day (whilst some argue that a bowel movement per meal is necessary) in order to keep things flowing properly.
What are the causes and cures ofconstipation?
Thereis a large number of causes of constipation; amongst the most common are a low fiber diet, insufficient fluids, lack of exercise, and lastly, unhealthy colon.
By this, the most obvious remedies for constipation would be preventing the symptoms before they ever occur. And this would involve getting more exercise, changing the harmful lifestyle a person is most likely leading, as well as eating a healthier diet.
Here's what happens: the large intestine, which is about five feet long is primarily responsible for storing waste and toxins. It is then to convert the waste into feces, and discharge them from the body – as quickly as possible. This is because, along the course, the human body absorbs a deal of the toxins which travel though the intestine. So obviously, if the metabolism slows down, more toxins are absorbed along the way.
If enough toxic matter is absorbed, it may lead to serious illnesses. And this is precisely why constipation should never be ignored as a minor problem, but should rather be dealt with.
A related research came up with the results that people with more frequent bowel movements are at a lower risk of colorectal as well as colon cancer – which just illustrates how serious an issue could be prevented by not merely ignoring constipation.
Aside from that study, taking into consideration that the colon is, bluntly put, a sack of rotting waste which leeches toxins back into the body (5-40 lbs of them at any given point in time), the results of the above mentioned research all of a sudden sound less surprising.
It is also noteworthy that most constipation sufferers are living on an extremely unhealthy diet, rarely get enough exercise, take in proper amounts of fluids and sometimes even have bad colon health to begin with.
If the problem persists, asking the family doctor for advice on taking care of each and every one of these points is critical to resolving any constipation-related issues.
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