Benzoyl peroxide is the chemical substance, used for over 30years to cure acne. After all these years, this substance is still found to bethe most common compound in acne skin care products, because of its efficiency.Most doctors and dermatologists will recommend some OTC (over the counter) medications orprescribe some benzoyl peroxide creams, if you have mild to moderate acne. Moresevere cases will usually be treated with some other substances and products.
Consult your dermatologist about the possible treatments andthen decide the best therapy for your acne. Ask your doctor about potentialproblems when using products with benzoyl peroxide and follow the recommendationor prescription.
How Benzoyl Peroxide Works
In most cases, acne is caused by anaerobic bacteria known asPropionibacter acnes (P.acnes). These bacteria need anaerobic (without oxygen) surroundingto grow and multiply. Benzoyl peroxide, as the chemical anti-acne ingredient,will introduce oxygen to the pores, decreasing the number of present bacteria andreducing the acne. Only problem might be the duration of the treatment,because, once the treatment with benzoyl peroxide is stopped, harmful bacteria mightgrow again and cause acne. Consult your dermatologist about the period of useif these benzoyl peroxide products, for the prolonged use may be the cause ofsome side effects.
Benzoyl Peroxide Adverse Effects
There are several common adverse effects happening to peopleusing benzoyl peroxide. Most of the side effects disappear when the skin gets usedto this substance, but the caution is necessary. People using these products mightexperience irritation, redness and dry skin, but also some peeling of the skin.Certain amount of the patients using benzoyl peroxide creams might feel the painor experience inflammation of the skin.
Rarely, there are more severe adverse effect, including theformation of blisters or crusting on the skin, burning, stinging and feeling ofwarmth. Serious rash and red bumps could also be caused by the use of benzoylperoxide preparations.
Allergic reaction
Another possible problem is the allergy to benzoyl peroxide.Thus, this substance might be responsible for itching, hives and skin rash, butalso for some more serious reactions, such as: swelling, dizziness, tightnessin the chest and breathing problems. If you haven’t used these products, thegeneral rule is to apply a small amount of the cream on your arm, and wait fora day or two. The cream or lotion containing benzoyl peroxide is safe to use onthe face if there was no reaction on your arm. Avoid these products if you areallergic to benzoyl peroxide.
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