“Holistic” is a word derived from the Greek language, from a word “holos” which means “whole”. Therefore, the aim of a holistic health practitioner is to focus not on the disease, but rather the mind, body, emotional and spiritual wellness. Holistic approach to the medicine treats the whole person using holistic healing, holistic nutrition and herbs to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself. All of the healing techniques used in holistic medicine are from the realm of alternative medicine. The basic principle of holistic medicine is that the body, mind and spirit are inner-connected in delicate ways. Holistic treatment normally involves examining the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, bio-energetic and socio-cultural dimensions of individuals, and guidance towards the optimum health and wellness.
Becoming a Holistic Health Practitioner
There are more and more people seeking ways to improve and maintain their health naturally and various wellness disciplines, including holistic medicine, are becoming more and more rewarding fields to be involved in today. There are different courses available, from short ones that demand approximately three months of training, to more comprehensive courses that require three years of study. A number of colleges demands a basic entrance exam that will demonstrate candidate’s knowledge of English and basic math. Candidates are required to obtain a 60% passing grade in order to enroll in the program. Before making a final decision about choosing the right institute, candidate should take enough time to research different courses and particular specialization courses within various institutions. Most of the institutions will offer many areas of specialization, such as: massage therapy, yoga, acupressure, homeopathy, herbalism etc. When a candidate completes the training course in holistic health, he or she can get involved in a certification program in desired specialization.
After the Certification
When the graduate completes his or her certification, practice is the next important step. The newly certified holistic health practitioner can choose to practice either on his own or in hospitals and clinics. The aim of the practice is to gain experience and build the confidence to practice the holistic medicine on one’s own. This is an extremely rewarding profession, as an average licensed holistic health practitioner with a doctorate degree can make an average income of about $60,000 per year. Another great thing about being holistic practitioner is that one never gets bored since there are numerous methods and approaches tailored for each particular individual. Holistic medicine practitioners commonly describe their profession as an enjoyable process of adding to their previous knowledge.
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