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One can become a nurse by attending one of the three programs for registered nurses. The state offers bachelor’s degree, an associate degree and diploma from and approved nursing program. The vast number of nurses completes an associate degree or bachelor’s degree program, but, that is not the end, because they have to take an exam in order to obtain a license. Nurses can educate even more, if they want to work in specialty areas.


Bachelor’s of science degree in nursing (BSN) is a program that is offered by universities and it lasts four years. An associate degree in nursing or short ADN is usually a program that is organized by community and junior colleges in duration of two to three years. Diploma programs are organized in hospitals and only 70 programs offer diplomas. The good thing about these programs is that they can be mutually combined. There is also an opportunity for accelerated BSN and MSN programs for people who already have a bachelor's or higher degree in some similar field. They last 12 to 18 months after which an individual receives nurse diploma.

Bachelor’s degree is slightly different from BSN and MSN programs, because it offers a broader spectrum for employment. This degree is necessary for positions such as administration and is required for research, consulting and teaching applications. It is also good start for people who want to enter in some other field of research. That is why careful reconsideration of available programs is suggested to every student who is interested in this field. These programs have instructions in classrooms and experience in hospitals that is monitored by professional staff. Courses that must be obtained are anatomy, physiology, microbiology, chemistry, nutrition, psychology and other behavioral sciences, and nursing. Besides hospital practice, students can also choose other health facilities.


As we have mentioned above, after graduating from nursing program, license examination has to be taken. That examination is called NSLEX-RN, and the license is validated in more than one state, so it doesn’t matter in which state a student takes an exam. Back in 2006, one was able to get a license in one from 20 states that were members of the Compact. If one wants to have a certification, he has to attend one of the specialty areas (clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse-midwives, and nurse practitioners). Another way of getting certification is by being an advanced practice nurse. These programs apply only to citizens of the USA, while foreign educated and foreign-born nurses have some other requirements that they must complete in order to work in the USA.

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