Baby Eczema
Eczema in babies is sometimes known as atopic dermatitis. This is a medical condition characterized by itchy and inflamed skin. Eczema might seem to improve on its own and then start again, even more severe than it was before. Some kids overgrow this problem, but condition may last all their life.
Many babies who suffer from eczema have other atopic diseases, such as allergies, asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, or hay fever.
Eczema Symptoms
There is no recognized cause of eczema in children. In most cases, the condition starts at the age of 2 months to 5 years. Red and itching rash is usually located first on the cheeks, and then spread to the face, neck and other parts of the body. Normally, rash is quite dry, but it may become contaminated with bacteria and produce pus. This condition, called impetiginized eczema, may become serious and these babies should be taken to the doctor.
Babies often experience thickened, dry skin on the torso and bacterial complication of eczema. In older kids (1.5 to 2 years) the eczema is more typical. Rash is located under the knees, on the ankles, arms, wrists and neck.
Atopic stigmata is a condition common for people prone to allergies. Patients usually notice dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes, crack near the ear lobes and intolerance and itchiness to wool clothes.
Eczema Treatments
It might be hard to explain or stop the child from scratching the eczema, but it’s necessary. Scratching, although may seem to take some relief, may worsen the situation. Most eczemas disappear after the childhood, so be patient. And avoid all things that could possibly set off the eczema:
Use mild soap, made for delicate children skin. Keep the child’s skin moisturized. Try to avoid the temperature changes. Regularly clean the area where the child sleeps and plays form the dust mites. Clothes for children should be made of cotton.Usually, heavy everyday moisturizing helps to little eczema patients. Bathe the children often (if you can, two times a day will be preferable). Use lukewarm water, since the hot or warm water might worsen the redness and itching. You may add half of a cup of table salt to the water and use a mild soap if needed. Avoid using perfumes soaps in children. After the bath, pat the excess water and apply the moisturizer to the damp skin. The recommended products are Vaseline petroleum jelly, Aquaphor or Eucerine cream.
In more serious cases, specialists will recommend an anti-inflammatory medications or some antibiotic cream. Impetiginized eczema is usually treated with oral antiobiotics.
Serious rash and itching might be relieved with soaking wraps. Cotton diapers or clothes should be soaked in water mixed with some table salt, and placed moist to the affected area. Wrap some plastic foil over the diapers and leave it on for at least 30 minutes, or for the whole night. After the warp removal, moisturize your child’s skin.
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