Information on Dong Quai
Dong quai has been used in the Traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries, utilizing concepts which are much different than those accepted in the Western medicine. When a person wishes to use a certain herbal supplement, a consultation with a health care professional and a trained practitioner of herbal and health supplements is a must.
The consultations may provide the patient with many advantages and benefits that usually affect the treatment in a positive manner. Dong quai is commonly used to treat and prevent numerous different medical conditions such as high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, ulcers, irregular menstrual cycles, constipation, arthritis, anemia, and various types of allergic reactions.
It can also be beneficial in purifying the blood and relaxing the muscles. There are no regulations concerning the production of dong quai compounds so it cannot be certified by the FDA when it comes to certain factors associated with the effectiveness, safety and purity of the product. Certain supplements may be contaminated so it is always wise to purchase such products from reliable sources.
Side Effects
Dong quai can sometimes cause certain side effects, and if the patient experiences any of them, immediate medical attention must be sought at once. Side effects may or may not include changes in the color of the skin, sunburns, rash, unusual bruising, closing of the throat, unusual bleeding, swollen lips, swollen face, swollen tongue, hives or several other types of allergic reactions. There are also certain types of medications which should not be taken at the same time with dong quai.
The list of those medicaments includes Aspirin, danaparoid, enoxaparin, heparin, warfarin, ardeparin, dalteparin and all different types of nonsteroidal drugs used for the treatment of inflammatory conditions. Dong quai should also be avoided if the patient already uses other herbal or health supplements and all types of antioxidant substances because the mixture of supplements may lead to blood clotting.
As it is already mentioned, a patient should always consult a health care professional before taking any herbal or health supplements. Further consultations with a practitioner who is trained in the use of herbal supplements may be very beneficial and it may provide the patient with numerous different advantages.
It is wise to use solid formulations or standardized tinctures and extract in order to gain more reliability from each dosage of the supplement. Different formulations of the same supplement should be avoided.
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