Caffeine is the natural ingredient of many products, including the coffee, tea,chocolate, energy drinks, beans and some plant leaves and fruits. Some otherwell known sources of caffeine are guarana berries, the Yaupon Holly and yerbamate.
There are certain claims that caffeine is the most commonly usedpsychoactive substance in the world. Just in Northern America 9 out of 10 adultpeople drink coffee every day. The claim about the psycho-activity is true,since caffeine affects the central nervous system (the brain) and stimulatesit.
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) list caffeine as the “alertness aid”and says that this substance is generally safe to be used. Caffeine pills arevery popular in the US, mostly to increase alertness and remove tiredness.
There aren’t so many substances found to help in so many ways as caffeine.
Caffeine can definitely increase the mental alertness by stimulating yourbrain. Another good thing about this substance is that it also increases the breathing.The increased flow of oxygen improves concentration, and banishes tiredness,providing some extra energy to work.
If you need to study, caffeine can do wanders for your memory. Many studentsalready know that they can learn much faster and memorize much more whendrinking coffee or caffeine tablets. This happens because of the caffeineeffects to both, short term and long term memory.
Caffeine can help to clear your thoughts and aid the fight against thedepression.
Caffeine is also diuretic in sufficient doses, but regular users develop thetolerance to this effect.
If you experience any pain, caffeine could stop it. Some medications forpain relief (pain killers) are sold combined with caffeine, since it is noticedthat these substances together have much greater impact to the painfulsensations.
Caffeine is also used to treat many different health conditions, includingmigraine, respiratory diseases, gallstones, etc. People at risk of developingthe liver problems or Parkinson’s disease are advised to use this substancealso.
People that want to lose some weight might use caffeine early in themorning, to increase their metabolism and burn the fat.
Many athletes use caffeine to exercise and achieve better results. Thispowerful substance will increase the strength of your muscles and prevent anypotential damage to the muscles, at the same time.
How much is Normal
Two cups of coffee is considered normal and not harmful. If you consume morethan that amount you might suffer from caffeine side effects, which include:headache, anxiety, heartburn, nausea, hypertension and irritability. Be awarethat consummation of too much caffeine might also cause dehydration.
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