A proper diet can be enough to keep the fungal infections at bay. Therefore, these kinds of infections can be prevented through the right kind of nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Speaking of fungal infections, Candida is the most common type of yeast affecting people.
The Ways of Fungal Infection
A fungal infection in the gastrointestinal system takes place once there is a lack of good bacteria which can prevent this from happening. Our body is full of different organisms like bacteria, fungi and other microbes. Our immune system takes the best out of them and keeps them incapable of hurting us. Rather, they help our digestion and some other bodily processes. However, certain situations may trigger an imbalance in the intestinal flora, leading to yeast overgrowth and excessive multiplications. Such occurrences result in infections. In most of these cases, antibiotics are responsible for killing the good bacteria, allowing the bad microorganisms to take over.
Even though fungal infections can be prevented and stopped through certain medications and other forms of medical therapy, there are natural ways of dealing with these problems too. Also, you may need to avoid certain foods while suffering from a fungal infection.
Food vs. Fungus
Fungus lives on sugary, salty and processed food. Therefore, stay away from these if you desire to get rid of your fungal infection. The same goes for cakes, pastries and other such sweets. This may be a hard step to take due to cravings but stay persistent and stop the infection naturally.
Also, Candida loves foods rich in lactose, maltose, glucose and mannitol. These natural sugars get absorbed by the body quickly and fungi can feed on them. All in all, sweet food is the food for your infection. Thus, until you are healthy, stay away from it, regardless of the healthy potential it may have.
Since carbohydrates are turned into glucose during the digestive processes, do not eat too much of carbohydrate-rich food. Nevertheless, focus on getting enough calories through your nutrition, but make sure you curb the fungal infection too. Focus your nutrition on fresh vegetables and nuts as well as protein-rich, low-fat meats such as chicken, turkey and unprocessed fish.
Asparagus, broccoli, lettuce, beans, spinach, cabbage and nuts are all excellent for dealing with fungal infections. Yogurt is a powerful ally too, since yogurts are rich in bacterial cultures which battle fungal infections and balance the gastrointestinal flora.
All in all, eat healthy and you will be amazed by the rejuvenation your body will undergo, curing itself from fungal infections.
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