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Proteolytic enzymes are essential substances which efficiently break down proteins into their smaller constituents. In case such break down occurs inside the gastrointestinal tract the enzymes are referred to as digestive enzymes. On the other hand, enzymes may cause break down of proteins in other parts of the body and these are known as systemic proteolytic enzymes.The Importance of Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes

One of the most important functions of systemic proteolytic enzymes is breaking down of abundant fibrin and its removal form the circulatory system. These enzymes are important for supply of nutrients and oxygen-rich blood, both of which are essential for optimal removal of all products associated with any kind of inflammation and subsequent excess of fibrin in the body.

Any kind of injury is associated with inflammation and consequent reduction of blood flow of the affected area. The injured spot receives insufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients and the recovery may last for some time. Furthermore, there is excess of fibrin, which in normal amounts assists in healing while its excess may cause even more damage. Accumulation of fibrin may induce progression of some acute conditions into the chronic form of the disease.

Some of indicators of excess of fibrin in the body include chronic fatigue, slow healing, prolonged inflammation and pain as well as elevated blood pressure. The easiest way to check the level of fibrin in blood is to perform a simple blood test.

Up until today scientists have been familiar with the connection between the excess of fibrin and some conditions such as certain heart conditions and stroke. This protein is also associated with chronic systemic inflammation.

Benefits of Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes

People suffering from certain medical conditions may benefit from systemic proteolytic enzymes. These substances are, for example, good for arthritis and sciatica sufferers, people with herniated disc, those suffering from atherosclerosis or hypercoagulation as well as individuals with chronic pain due to strains and sprains. Systemic proteolytic enzymes are also beneficial in case of spinal stenosis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, traumatic inflammation and high blood pressure. Women with fibrocystic breast disease and those suffering from uterine fibroids are also potential candidates for treatment with systemic proteolytic enzymes.


Systemic proteolytic enzymes are not supposed to be taken prior previous consultation with a well-experienced health care provider. Furthermore, they are also forbidden in patients who are taking prescription blood thinners, people who have been operated within the previous 2 weeks and individuals with stomach ulcers or confirmed gastroesophageal reflux disease. They are also not recommended in pregnant/lactating women, people currently treated with antibiotics as well as individuals allergic to pineapple or papaya.

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