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Information about Kratom

Kratom is loaded with alkaloids, and one of them called mitragynine is the most responsible for the characteristic effects kratom has. The alkaloid affects the opioid receptors in the brain which are responsible for one’s anxiety and moods. Kratom works in a similar way to opium or heroin because it provides a person with a feeling of euphoria, although its alkaloids do not affect the same type of receptors as do the aforementioned opiates. It is only at higher doses that kratom affects the mu opioid receptors which usually get affected by opiates.

Kratom is not that addictive and it basically has a stimulating effect, while higher doses can provide a person with significant narcotic effects. Some cultures use it to enhance the sexual intercourse and to treat diarrhea. Kratom can be used as a substitute for opium and it is also very efficient in moderating opium addictions. It stops the cravings and moderates the withdrawal because its alkaloids bind to the delta receptors in the brain. It can also be used for detoxification of those addicted to methadone.

Some cases involved visualizations and vivid dreams as side effects of the therapy. Some studies suggest that it also could be used for the treatment of depression. One’s mood is determined by the levels of serotonin, dopamine and opiates. Most chemical drugs are related to the levels of serotonin because it does not involve an addiction.

Certain researches have shown that kratom could affect the mood of a person in a positive manner. Kratom can also come in very handy when it comes to the treatment of adult attention deficit disorder because of its stimulating and mood lifting properties.

Side Effects

Infrequent use and low dosages of kratom usually do not pose any risks or dangers of side effects.

It has been used for centuries with no particular troubles. Higher doses taken on a regular, daily basis for prolonged periods of time may lead to certain symptoms such as nervousness, darkening of the skin, aggression and constipation.

Some other cases have included side effects like tremors, loss of libido and nausea. It is easy to develop a tolerance for kratom, so it may lead to an urge for higher dosage over time and, ultimately, dependence.

Sometimes a kratom overdose may occur as well. The symptoms of that condition may include tremor, hallucinations, aggression, nausea, delusions and problems concerning motion coordination.

People who suffer from low blood pressure, renal problems, schizophrenia, ulcers, and hepatic problems as well as pregnant women should avoid using kratom.

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