Cough remedy
In case a person is underan extremely intensive and hacking cough accompanied by pain in the chest that just seems to last forever and makes it unbearably difficult for you toget a proper night’s sleep, turning to numerous over-the-counter medications suchas the cough drops and syrups is probably the first thing that the person will do. Butthe big question is - What to do once allthese conventional treatment methods fail? Well, the most logic, though tomany not the most appealing answers, would be visiting a doctor as soon aspossible. Once there, a person will go through all the usual examination and in theend, in the greatest majority of cases, a particular syrup is prescribed, but theone unlike those previously relied on. This syrup is strengthened with asubstance called codeine and is amongthose considered to be the most effective in preventing deterioration and treatingthe cough that haunts the person in question.
This substancebelongs to the category of analgesic narcotics, which have the ability to alleviate pain ranging from mild to moderate. The substance inquestion was introduced to the general public all the way back in 1932, when aFrench chemist named Pierre-Jean Robiquet managed to extract it from opium.Unlike in 1932, codeine is today made synthetically. When taken in the form oftablets and alone, it is referred to as the ScheduleII Drug; when combined in tablets together with the analgesics likeibuprofen/aspirin, it is referred to as the ScheduleIII Drug; and it is referred to as the ScheduleV Drug in those cases when it is employed in a preparation of liquids. Havingthe modes of employment in mind, the substance in question may be taken in two ways – orallyand injected intramuscularly. One extremely important piece of information isthat, when used intravenously, this substance is extremely harmful. When takenorally, codeine becomes absorbed by ways of gastro-intestinal tract, andtravels afterwards through the liver, losing only but a little on its effect. Once it finds itself in the brainof a person, it gets transformed into morphine. This way it suppresses the cough center and decreases the coughing rate. Due to its general properties, thecodeine based syrup is prescribed only when non-productive cough is present.
Side Effects
ItchinessConstipationBlurred/doublevisionMildsweating and flushingDrowsinessEuphoriaConfusionHallucinationsDelusionsRespiratoryarrestSince, it can be extremely harmful for a person and his/her overall health, it should notbe taken in case a person is allergic to any specific ingredient of this syrup, in case the person is suffering from severe drowsiness, if fever or productive cough are present, if awoman is pregnant.
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