Corn syrup is a simple type of sugar which puts it in the category of monosaccharide sugars. It can be found in table sugar and various types of fruits. Corn syrup is known for being twice as sweet as sucrose. This is why it can be used as a substitute for ordinary sugar. The digestive tract of a human body treats the corn syrup very similarly to the way it treats sugars which are obtained from table sugar sources. Corn syrup of fructose is an important provider of energy. Once it reaches the digestive tract it gets carried to all the body cells by means of blood stream transportation. The process scientifically referred to as glycolysis is the one in which the fructose gets burned in a chemical manner so the energy gets released in order to be stored or used immediately. A gram of every digestible type of sugar contains 4 calories.
Digestion and Absorption
Corn syrup does not require any specific chemical digestions before it gets absorbed, because it is a monosaccharide. Sucrose still does have to react with sucrose which actually splits it into glucose and fructose which are its main constituents. During the process of sucrose splitting no energy gets yielded and the fructose which gets obtained is completely the same type of fructose which is commonly ingested by means of pure types of monosaccharides. A certain type of protein is responsible for the transportation of fructose to the cells which line the intestines. If there is a deficiency of this protein, a person may suffer from fructose malabsorption which is a medical condition characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, discomfort and abdominal bloating. There is another transporter which is responsible for getting fructose to the bloodstream and its utilization for the production of energy. A large number of people suffer from the lack of ability to absorb fructose in an appropriate manner which commonly ends up in different types of digestive discomfort.
Metabolism and Other Valuable Information
When the fructose gets absorbed by different body cells, the chemical process of glycolysis in which the sugar gets burned, takes place. During this process fructose may be held responsible for the production of exact amounts of energy which otherwise get produced by the burning of glucose, so the energetic yield per molecule is virtually identical. Certain scientific studies have shown that corn syrup may be associated with some cases of obesity.
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